If You Were Sexually Abused, Help May Be Available

Institutions are known for systematic sexual abuse. Widespread sexual abuse of minors would not occur if predators were held accountable. However, institutions and supervisors protected these predators (rather than the innocent children) again and again. Schools, churches, and clubs were typically the first to know of instances of sexual abuse, but they allowed it to continue for years.

Case in point: Boy Scouts of America, founded in 1910, may have been sexually abusing children since 1919. Stories unearthed by the Los Angeles Times contained information about how the Boy Scouts amassed at least 1,900 files and 3,000 case summaries of sexual abuse ranging from 1947 to 2005. These files, coined the “perversion files,” were used internally. What did the Scouts do with the information? They didn’t tell the police. Typically, they didn’t do anything at all.

Instead, when push came to shove, it appears as if they allowed the molesters to depart easily and quietly, allowing them to reappear in another troop or state. This permitted them to continue to emotionally, sexually, and spiritually abuse the young boys who the Boy Scouts were supposed to build up, not tear down.

In some cases, a civil suit can be brought against other people, such as teachers or school administrators, in addition to the perpetrator of the assault. For example, if the incident occurred at a school, the school itself could be liable. This is because it failed to provide adequate supervision or security with known sexual predators.

Even if the abuser was found not guilty of sexual abuse in a criminal court, survivors can still file sex abuse lawsuits in civil court and have a chance to recover damages for emotional and physical harm.

No matter when the abuse occurred, no matter how old the perpetrator, we encourage you to end your silence by reporting your abuse and talking to a sexual abuse lawyer about your legal options.

We understand that no amount of compensation can change the past, but securing justice may ease the future and help prevent the abuse from happening again.

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